
CTL Tutorials

Tutorial 1 - First steps

General overview “From zero to first projections” & the module structure
Projector extensions I the StandardPipeline, Poisson noise & polychromatic projections
Spectral volumes I how to create SpectralVolumeData using its factory methods
Convenience/usability I using the file IO & finding information in the documentation
CTL GUI I exploring gui::plot()

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  1. create a Qt project that uses CTL modules,
  2. run simple simulations of 3D cone beam projections,
  3. load and save data,
  4. visualize volume and projection data, and
  5. consider Poisson noise and a polychromatic spectrum in the simulations.

Source code


Tutorial 2 - CTL::MessageHandler and GUI II

Convenience/usability II CTL::MessageHandler - customizing message output & log files
CTL GUI II details on UI features, the property-based approach

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  1. use all features of (most) visualization widgets,
  2. create fully-customizable visualizer objects, and
  3. change the verbosity of message outputs and save a log file.

Source code


Tutorial 3 - The Matrix class template

the Matrix class lightweight abstraction used for small matrices with fixed size

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  1. understand the purpose and design of the Matrix
  2. work with the Matrix class efficiently with or w/o using the CTL, including
    • data access
    • operations
    • printing and visualization
  3. find many mistakes already at compile time and prevent undefined behavior

Source code


Tutorial 4 - Details on SpectralVolumeData and CompositeVolume

Spectral volumes II create SpectralVolumeData from existing VoxelVolume data
Composite volumes I how to manually compose volumes
Composite volumes II decompose volumes using TwoMaterialThresholdVolumeDecomposer

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  1. create spectral volumes from density and attenuation (incl. HU) data,
  2. compose volumes consisting of multiple different sub-volumes, and
  3. use a simple threshold decomposer to segment a volume into two materials.

Source code

Phantom data used


Tutorial 5 - CTSystem, SimpleCTSystem, and the JSONSerializer

CTSystem I create, populate, and convert CTSystem and SimpleCTSystem objects
CTSystem II how to adapt systems created from blueprints to your needs
Convenience/usability III de-/serialize systems and setups using JSONSerializer

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  1. create systems from individual components and inspect their properties,
  2. adapt a system created from a blueprint to represent your requirements, and
  3. use the JSONSerializer to easily save and load entire AcquisitionSetups.

Source code


Tutorial 6 [Special] - OpenCL helper classes

MWE “pure OpenCL” the OpenCL C++ API: the princial “workflow” of an OCL program
OpenCL Config class that globally manages OpenCL objects (context, devices, …)
PinnedMemory allows fast efficient data transfer between host and devices

Source code

Video - Part 1
Video - Part 2

Tutorial 7 - System Components

System components I general overview and details about gantry, source, and detector classes
CTL Geometry I basic concepts of geometry specifications in the CTL

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. understand the basic concepts behind the different system component types,
  2. know the capabilities of built-in system components, and
  3. have a general understanding of how geometrical information is specified in the CTL.



Tutorial 8 - AcquisitionSetup

AcquisitionSetup I general overview of the AcquisitionSetup and AcquisitionSetup::View
AcquisitionSetup II strategies of modifying setups to your demands

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. understand how the AcquisitionSetup class works,
  2. know how to use preparation protocols to adjust the setup, and
  3. know how to manually construct an entire AcquisitionSetup for customized scenarios.

Source code



Tutorial 9 - Reconstruction

Reconstruction I general overview of reconstruction in the CTL, OCL::FDKReconstructor
Reconstruction II iterative reconstruction with ARTReconstructor
Reconstruction III special topics: polychromatic reconstruction, iterative FDK

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. understand how the interface of reconstruction classes works in general,
  2. be able to use the FDKReconstructor and ARTReconstructor classes, and
  3. know how to use the ARTReconstructor class in more sophisticated scenarios.

Source code



Tutorial 10 - Working with external/real data

Convenience/usability IV reading/writing meta information using the io::NrrdFileIO
Reconstruction IV import, preparation, and reconstruction of external/real data

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. be able to read and write meta information from/to files,
  2. know how to read, prepare, and reconstruct (real) data from external sources.

(Source code) TBD

Raw data

The example data of the flat detector setting (i.e. files fdct_xxx.den) are part of a collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Walles from the University Clinic for Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery Magdeburg.

(Video) TBD

Tutorial A1 - Sub-classing AbstractCTSystemBlueprint, AbstractDataModel, and AbstractPreparationProtocol

Custom content I overview of aspects in the CTL that can be extended by custom content
Custom content II creating own system blueprints, data models, and preparation protocols
De-/serialization I first steps towards getting custom classes de-/serializable

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. understand the basic principles of how extending the CTL generally works (for most parts),
  2. be able to implement you own system blueprints, data models, and preparation protocols,
  3. know how to make your custom data models de-/serializable.

Source code



Tutorial A2 - Sub-classing AbstractProjectionFilter and AbstractVolumeFilter

Custom content III creating own projection and volume filters (CPU versions)
De-/serialization II de-/serialization of types that contain poylmorphic (CTL) types

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. be able to implement your own projection and volume filters,
  2. know how to make custom data types that contain poylmorphic types de-/serializable.

Source code


Tutorial A2B - Creating OpenCL-based filters with GenericOCLProjectionFilter and GenericOCLVolumeFilter

Custom content V creating OpenCL-based projection and volume filters

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. be able to use the GenericOCLProjectionFilter and GenericOCLVolumeFilter to implement projection and volume filters that utilize OpenCL.

Source code


Tutorial A3 - Implementing a custom file IO on the example of (pure) raw data

Custom content IV implementing a custom file IO (read/write files of a particular type)

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. be able to implement an IO class to read/write from/to files of a particular file type.

Source code

Raw data


Tutorial A4 - Sub-classing ProjectorExtension

Custom content VI implementing custom ProjectorExtension sub-classes

By the end of this tutorial you will:

  1. know about the two different approaches for sub-classing ProjectorExtension
  2. be able to implement custom ProjectorExtension sub-classes for both cases mentioned in 1.

Source code

[Raw data] Download here: https://www5.cs.fau.de/research/data/digital-brain-perfusion-phantom/index.html
